About Me

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I am an Air Force wife and mother of three precious gifts from God. I enjoy learning at home with my children, and the many adventures this life sends our way. So stop by often to visit, and check out what the Five Nomads are up to.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The in-laws are here, the in-laws are here!

To most people, this would ellicit screams of panic, fear, frustration. . . Not at the Nomad pad. God has blessed me with FABULOUS in-laws. Over the years they have provided a great example of a godly marriage for Mr. Nomad and I to follow. They have endlessly showered us with love, prayer, and many acts of kindness.

Acts of kindness currently under progress here: My mother-in-law has painted my bedroom, the powder room and the island in the kitchen. My father in-law and brother-in-law helped Mr. Nomad organize the garage and build a work bench. Up next is refinishing a couple pieces of furniture, repainting the island (the orange just doesn't flow with the counter top) and maybe constructing some storage racks in the garage.

So that is where I have been, and I'll probably be busy until they leave next week. It is all so exciting. When they pull out of my drive, my house will be mostly complete. No longer will I be fretting about. I can finally just sit back and enjoy. . .okay reality check. I can really get started with homeschooling, running kiddos to Scouts, ballet, piano lessons, Bible study. You know the drill.


  1. Oooh...lucky you! BLESSED you! It'll be so nice for you to have your house in order. Enjoy your time with the in-laws.

  2. "Nomad pad" - I like that. Enjoy your time!!

  3. You are soooooo lucky! How wonderful for them them to be able to share so much of themselves with you and your family. Giving and recieving...you both are blessed.

    Dave's Mom spent 10 days with us when Desi was born. It was a real sacrifice for her to make, and I was so grateful. Dave's Dad helped him do all kinds of stuff....right down to rebuilding the engine on our truck as he was dying of bone cancer. Dave finished the truck, with his Dad in spirit as Elvin had marked all the pieces in order to put it back together more easily. They are both gone now. For me, they were such a blessing because they knew how to give without expecting something back, and in my family of origin, that remains a lesson unlearned.

    Have Fun!

  4. It is so great to hear about your in-laws blessing you. So often, we hear about folks not getting along with their in-laws and it is so sad. After all, someday we will probably be in-laws too! I too am blessed with some great in-laws and I always enjoy their visit. Like right now!

  5. An intact lovin the Lord AND each other set of in-laws/parents is indeed such a gift. Yup I'm jealous.
