About Me

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I am an Air Force wife and mother of three precious gifts from God. I enjoy learning at home with my children, and the many adventures this life sends our way. So stop by often to visit, and check out what the Five Nomads are up to.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I think I can, I think I can. . .

Our first day back to school after our wonderful Christmas break. We are all moving a little slow. Can we rewind, and go back to the beginning of Advent again?


  1. You wanna do it all over again? Oh my!

  2. I'm witjh you, Tami! We are not starting until Monday and I am kinda dreading it . . .is that bad?!

    oh, and I LOIVE the new picture!

  3. Love the picture!

    You can do it!!

  4. ABM, celebrating Advent and Christmas were work, but so much more fun than regular school. So yes, I would rather do that over again. Especially since Monday starts our beefed up school work. I am determined to keep on task with The General's grammar, and begin the long awaited Latin program I purchased so long ago. See Christmas shopping sounds better already!
    Good luck Marti. It isn't terrible, in fact it was fine. Christmas break was just so relaxing and fun.
    Thanks Dawn. I need the encouragement.

  5. Oh, I forgot to mention the photo is of Princess last year when we lived in DC. So far we have only had one little spot of snow here in WA. It only lasted a few hours. Whenever you see flurries here, you need to get the gear on and enjoy. Before you know it, it will switch back to our familiar rain. . .and that is always the end of the snow fun.
