About Me

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I am an Air Force wife and mother of three precious gifts from God. I enjoy learning at home with my children, and the many adventures this life sends our way. So stop by often to visit, and check out what the Five Nomads are up to.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Enjoying Colorado

We've made it as far as Colorado, and are having a great visit with our friends. This is my favorite part of military life. The part when you travel around, and most cities you travel through have a friend from one of your previous assignments.

This time it is our good friends, neighbors, fellow church members. . .from Bolling AFB. The General has been waiting for this stop since we drove away from DC back in April. To be back with his buddies, Princess with one of her best friends and Bubby with his little pal. Oh, yes we are all having a grand time.

I'll write more and share pictures later. I've got catching up, and decorating planning to do. Lorri and I are having so much fun with all of our plans for our new homes.